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Live legally in the U.S.

f you wish to install or work in the US, it is essential to take care of your legal situation.

Since the new immigration law of September 96, we can no longer live in the United States illegally and slip through the net is becoming increasingly difficult and risky.

Indeed, it is not possible to obtain a Social Security number, to pass his driver's license, open a checking account in a bank and we may at any time to be deported even if you are arrested for a mere infringement of traffic regulations.

A very important point

When passing the border of the United States, for example with a tourist visa, and that it intends to work (which is obviously not allowed), or even marry, a few days later, it s 'called "visa fraud".

For Americans, this is extremely serious because they trust a priori and then lying is severely punished.

Similarly, when one crosses the border on a temporary visa and work that has been applied for a green card too quickly, it is a "visa fraud".

It takes at least 80 days, after the border, to change their status without being acccusé of "visa fraud".

It must be very careful about this notion that has made more than a deportation with no possibility of return.

Green Card

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